Seven tools for when your library clients are roaming wild 🐘 on the Internet (06 Sep 2023)

Topic 📚

Clients access a lot of content away from the Library website. Hear how several different tools can be used to connect clients on the general internet with library subscribed content.

Tools Talked To 🔨

Bibliograph: Hannah Armitage (Uni Melb. VIC)
Lean Library: Hannah Shelley (ACU)
Libkey Nomad: Reeti Brar (University of Notre Dame, WA)
Endnote Click: Caroline Ondracek (Royal Children’s Hospital, VIC)
PubMed OTool: Hannah-Lee Obst (South West Healthcare, VIC)
Google Scholar: Jane Van Balen (Macquarie University, NSW)
Bookmarklets: Cheryl Hamill, (South Metropolitan Health Service, WA)

When ⏲

Wednesday, 6 September 2023   1-2 pm AEST                                                

Where 🌏

Online webinar Zoom – a link will be sent the day prior.

This event will be recorded and sent to attendees following the event.

Cost 💲

ALIA Members – FREE

Non-Members – $15 (another reason – in addition to 12 others – to consider HLA membership)

Register ✍

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