Quiz – 📚 Library 💑 Lovers 🌞 Day (Submit answers by Fri 21 Feb)
Happy Library Lovers Day for 2025. While health libraries are usually stuck with displays of “Hurst’s the heart” , this year something a little extra. A quiz, of sorts, from Health Libraries Australia. Below are nine appalling arrogations of famous love poems or love...
The ALIA Connection: Reflections of the ALIA Leadership Bursary
Report from the recipient of the ALIA / HLG Leadership Bursary which is part of the HLG Newsletter Autumn/Winter 2024-2025 from the UK
HLA Competencies 👉 3 Minute Survey (closes 2nd Dec)
We need your help! (for just a few minutes ...) We are updating the ALIA HLA Competencies (2018) to reflect current and likely future requirements for the specialist health librarian and health library technician workforce, and to ensure they are compatible with the...
Why I Love Being a Hospital Librarian! – 2 Recordings 🎦 Now Available (US + AU)
1. US Version Thanks to the MLA Health Libraries Caucus View Recording Passcode: !HUG9msT Speakers: Michele Matucheski, Caroline Marshall, Amanda Schwartz, Mary Beth McAteer, Amy Six-Means, Helen-Ann Brown Epstein, Tomi Gunn Note: "The transcript contains errors that...
Latest JoHILA – PICO / DSpace / Video tools / SR’s / Researchers Toolbox & more
Vol 4 No 3 (2023) of JoHILA has just been published, and in addition to the above, there is plenty more including mis/dis/info, GratisNet, Ovid Synthesis etc Inspired by any of these, or would like more people to know about something you have developed? You are...
Events & courses mapped to 8 health librarian competencies (July 2024)
An extensive list of courses and events that map to the eight HLA Competencies are now available. Many can be done anytime online Useful to progress from a health librarian caterpillar 🐛, to a fully-fledged beautiful health librarian butterfly 🦋 (and more prosaically,...
Here I am! Making the invisible library visible in healthcare (Wed 1pm, 19 Feb)
👩 Presenter - Lori Korodaj 🕐 Feb 19 / 1:00 PM / Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney 🌎 (Meeting ID: 883 4057 0426 Passcode: 643755) CHS Library and Multimedia supports Canberra Health Services and...
Research Methods for Health Librarians 1: Survey Research (12.30-1.30 pm 05 Mar)
👉 Session Details Survey Research is a popular methodology to collect information from a sample of individuals, but perhaps what is less known is that there are multiple ways (methods) that you can collect this information. In this session, you will learn about...
AI methods in evidence synthesis: free Cochrane Training (1H, 2025)
Several free webinars are available in this area in the first half of 2025 They are recorded so can be viewed on demand The full list of Cochrane Live Learning events can be viewed here and if you scroll down then the archive of recorded webinars is available for...
Using Covidence to maximise efficiency for systematic reviews – 🎦 now available
🎦 Watch Recording (Passcode: &R&7CZIQ) HLA Lunchtime Session 🕐 When: 7 November, 2024 1pm – 2pm AESDT 👫 Presenters: Julie Brown - Covidence; Cassandra Gorton - Monash Health 💲 Cost: Free 🌏 Location: Zoom...
Evidence-Based Practice Librarians’ Institute (18-22 Nov, Brisbane)
The Australian Evidence-Based Practice Librarians’ Institute (AEBPLI) is an introduction to Evidence-Based Practice, focusing on question building, searching, critical appraisal of the literature, and advanced topics related to systematic reviews. Facilitated by...
Identifying Unpublished Clinical Trial Data for Evidence Synthesis – Glanville, Lefebvre
Happening soon at a Australian unfriendly viewing time, but can watch later at a more convenient time up to 30 days post-event This workshop provides an overview of identifying clinical trials and...
About HLA
Health Libraries Australia (HLA) is the national professional organisation representing librarians and information professionals working in all health sectors including: hospitals and other clinical facilities, research institutes, regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, government departments, regional health services, professional colleges, universities, cooperative research centres, not-for-profit and community organisations, and parts of public library services. The vision of Health Libraries Australia is that all Australians benefit from health library and information professionals’ expertise that is integral to evidence based health care.
Who are Health Librarians
Health Librarians are health information professionals who focus on the services and systems that deliver research-derived data, information and knowledge to healthcare clinicians, managers, policy-makers, educators and researchers. They contribute to the development of knowledge through research services, from reference consultations and literature searching to advanced forms of evidence synthesis. They manage the research knowledge base published in all formats, as well as grey literature. Their responsibilities extend to advancing the application of evidence-based practice through health literacy and teaching, knowledge management and translation services, facilitating the links between clinical decision-making, policy/guideline/protocol development, and health research, i.e. translating evidence into practice. Health librarians are responsible for the delivery of services that are the only dedicated, secure, permanent and trustworthy source of authoritative information, critical and fundamental to an organisation’s information governance structures.
HLA Executive Committee
The HLA Executive Committee brings the work of ALIA Health Libraries Australia Group to the fore at Board level. The members of the committee advise the ALIA Directors about topics of interest and concern to health libraries and nurture relationships with allied associations, in Australia and internationally. HLA Executive – Contact Information / HLA Executive – Terms of Reference