Resources for Health Libraries Undergoing a Review
ALIA Resources
Guidelines for special libraries undergoing services reviews
Useful publications
(Australian unless otherwise noted)
HLA Statement on Hospital Libraries (2024)
MLA Evidence You Can Use (2024, US)
Impact of a Hospital Library Service at a Regional Health Service in Australia (2022). CITED BY
Evidence Searches Undertaken by Knowledge and Library Specialists Save the Time of Health Care Professionals and Produce an Economic Benefit to the NHS in England (2022, UK). CITED BY
Analysis of a Hospital Librarian Mediated Literature Search Service at a Regional Health Service in Australia (2020). CITED BY
Hospital Librarians’ Contributions to Health Services’ Accreditation: An Account of the Health Libraries for the National Safety and Quality in Health Services Standards (HeLiNS) Research Project, 2016-18 (2020). CITED BY
Value Proposition: The Gift of Time (2020, UK)
The economic value and clinical impact of the South Australian Health Library Service 2011–2016: A case study in organizational performance and survival (2017). CITED BY
10 ways that libraries and information services power the health sector (2017).
The clinical and economic value of health libraries in patient care (2015). CITED BY
Questions of life and death : an investigation into the value of health library and information services in Australia (2012). CITED BY
Thriving not just surviving – resilience in a special library is dependent on knowing why you exist (not simply what you do) (2010). CITED BY
Library review / business case documents
Have a useful document to include here? Send an email to either have your document hosted on this page or be available via email request.
Future proofing your library service
The Goldilocks Method: Demonstrating Your Value in Small, Medium, & Large Bites (2019)
Thriving not just surviving – resilience in a special library is dependent on knowing why you exist (not simply what you do) (2010). CITED BY