


NSQHS Standards


Journal - JoHILA

HLA Alerts

Guidelines for Australian Health Libraries 2022 – Live Literature Searches

These searches have been designed to find best practice literature relating to key areas covered by the Guidelines
(HLA’s Guidelines for Australian Health Libraries, 5th Edn 2022)

Browser Problems  |  A Note on Journals  |  Create Your Own Topic Alerts  |  About the Searches  |

Browser problems

Preferred Browser: Any modern browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc.) but not Internet Explorer (it may not handle the long links)

Full Text Option 1: If your Library subscribes to BrowZine install the Chrome extension LibKey Nomad for much easier access to full text PDFs
Full Text Option 2: If your Library uses PubMed OTool then open up PubMed (using the special URL) in another tab before using the links on this page

A note on journals

The following key journals specialising in health librarianship and information management have been used in the “Key Health Librarianship Journals Search”. They are also included in the “Health Libraries in general” search along with appropriate keywords. Unless otherwise noted, they are fully indexed in PubMed

Journal of Health Information & Libraries Australasia (JoHILA), produced by HLA, is not currently indexed in PubMed and is thus content is not currently retrieved by the searches mentioned above

Please contact us to suggest any other key journals

Create your own topic searches

Any of the searches on this page can be used to create a narrower customised search relevant to your needs

1. Click on the search of interest

2. On the resulting page, click on Advanced (located underneath the PubMed search box)

3. On the resulting page, enter your search term/s in the Query box and combine it with the appropriate search number in the History and Search Details section below. For example you might enter: nsqhs AND #1

4. If desired, this search can be turned into an ongoing Alert by clicking on Create Alert (located underneath the PubMed search box)

5. This same process can also be used with HLA NSQHS Standards and COVID-19 live searches

Example 1: using the base search (“Health Libraries in general”)

If your topic is health libraries and return on investment, you might frame a search such as:

Investments[mh] OR “Costs and Cost Analysis”[mh] OR return on investment[ti] OR value[ti] OR (return*[ti] AND (cost*[ti] OR investment[ti]))

i.e. using a combination of MeSH headings and some natural language text words to pick up non-indexed items (in this example confined to title field only).

Run that search, add the query to the query box, then add the base search for everything on health libraries, using the AND operator to combine them.

You can also create your own topic search using one of the guideline area searches, if you want to target a narrower area.

Example 2: using an existing guideline area search

If your topic is space planning for health libraries, you might frame a search such as:

Facility Design and Construction[mh] OR Interior Design and Furnishings[mh] OR space[tw]

i.e using a combination of MeSH headings and some natural language text words to pick up non-indexed items.

Run that search, add the query to the query box, then run the search on Guideline area 1 Planning and Strategy, and use the AND operator in the Advanced Search Builder to combine the two searches

About the Searches

These PubMed live searches have been developed, tested and endorsed as part of the Guidelines for Australian Health Libraries project, undertaken by Health Libraries Australia, to revise the national guidelines.

The searches provide up-to-date results for topics aligned to the guidelines. They are intended to provide current evidence from PubMed to support best practice in Australian health libraries.

The searches have been created by a librarian with expertise in searching for evidence on health. They have undergone extensive internal testing, but have not been developed as objectively derived and validated search filters. Each search has undergone consultation and review by a panel of health librarians with searching expertise and knowledge of the needs and interests of the targeted audience.

Audiences for the searches:

* Primarily, librarians and other information professionals working in Australian health libraries and associated information services
* May also be of interest to researchers, educators and policy makers, working in health information and related areas
* Health librarians are encouraged to use the searches and to make them available to clients and colleagues through promotion and linking from websites, resources and user guides

The searches target information on topics of relevance to best practice in Australian health libraries and information services. They have been designed for this purpose and are NOT intended to be comprehensive. They aim to provide high specificity (relevance) so that results returned will be of immediate use. The searches are not formally validated and cannot be claimed to be comprehensive, but will be useful as a starting point (and source of search terms) for searching for research purposes.

The searches are provided in PubMed, as a platform that is freely available and a source of high quality health evidence. We encourage users to send any comments or suggestions on improving the searches, and to build on them where necessary, using their own terms.


Would you like to see these topics expanded? If so please email suggestions of topics for inclusion


The text of these searches are provided under Creative Commons licence CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0


We welcome feedback and suggestions about the searches. Please email comments


HLA thanks Sarah Hayman for her work in designing the expert search strategies, and the members of the Guidelines Reference Group for testing and refining the searches