Become a Health Specialisation Certified Professional



To register for the ALIA PD Scheme Health Specialisation, you must have ALIA membership and can then join the ALIA PD Scheme.

You can register to join at any time during the calendar year; your PD activities can always be backdated to 1 July of the year you joined.


The Certified Professional Health Specialisation will be distinguished with the post nominals of AALIA (CP) Health Librarian or AALIA (CP) Health for Associate members, ALIATec (CP) Health for Library technician members and ALIA Allied Field (CP) Health for Allied Field members.


  1. Understand the health sciences and health care environment and the policies, issues and trends that impact on that environment.
  2. Understand the principles and practices related to providing information services to meet users’ needs.
  3. Understand the management of health information resources in a broad range of formats.
  4. Know and understand the application of leadership, finance, communication, and management theory and techniques.
  5. Understand and use technology and systems to manage all forms of information.
  6. Understand curricular design and instruction, and have the ability to teach ways to access, organise and use information.
  7. Understand scientific research methods and have the ability to critically examine and filter research literature from many related disciplines.
  8. Maintain currency of professional knowledge and practice.


Compliance will be assessed with an annual random audit of 10% of ALIA PD Scheme Specialisation members requiring proof of a minimum of 30 PD points. A full 120 PD point audit will be required before the awarding of a Specialisation Certified Professional Certificate and listing on the website at the end of your triennium. A quality reflective learning outcome shall generally be considered sufficient proof for a PD activity, and the reflection must refer to the competency or competencies addressed by the activity.


  • Health FAQ
  • Health Specialisation application form
  • Health Specialisation summary
  • Health Specialisation Skills Audit
  • ALIA Health Libraries Australia Group