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COVID-19 key resources



There are so many COVID-19 resources that it can be overwhelming. This page just has some core resources for busy clinicians, along with reasons they might be useful. Always consult your affiliated health service or government department first. Feedback & suggestions are welcome. Tip – right click on a link to open in a new tab.





 Why use?

DynaMedUpToDate and BMJ Best Practice

Clinically aligned overviews

Easily go to relevant area of interest (e.g. prognosis)

Update tab (DynaMed) or button (Best Practice) shows recent changes to guidance

Guidelines Extensive listing of guidelines by specialty and country
Oxford Rapid Reviews Reviews of various Covid topics, updated regularly
National Evidence Taskforce Australian Living guidelines and decision flowcharts





 Why use?

Covid-19 Primer

Provides trending papers, terms, topics etc

Scroll down past the pink graph to view these

Daily briefing available

Faculty of 1000 Articles recommended (and why) can be viewed

Use Most Read and Most Recommended tabs

No login required

Ahead of print




 Why use?

MedRxiv / BioRxiv / SSRN

Provides trending papers, terms, topics etc

Scroll down past the pink graph to view these

Daily briefing available

NOTE – not peer reviewed

PrePrint Google Search Search multiple ahead of print resources at once with Google

Reviews of preprint articles

NOTE – ORCID login required

Clinical trials




 Why use?

Trials at a glance Directory of sites providing trials information

View left panel for interventions with information

NOTE – experimental service





 Why use?

WHO Global Literature

Covid specific collection with many useful limits (left hand panel)

Simple search syntax (e.g. ti:PCR AND ti:diagnos*)

Includes articles not found in PubMed


Filter to specific topics (e.g. Treatment) by using the menu at the topic of the page

RSS alerts possible

PubMed Live Searches

One click PubMed searches on 35+ topics

Create alerts for these topics

Use the base Covid-19 search as a starting point for your own searches





 Why use?


Covid specific collection with many useful limits (left hand panel)

Simple search syntax (e.g. ti:PCR AND ti:diagnos*)

Includes articles not found in PubMed

Research Data 

Filter to specific topics (e.g. Treatment) by using the menu at the topic of the page

RSS alerts possible

Semantic Scholar

One click PubMed searches on 35+ topics

Create alerts for these topics

Use the base Covid-19 search as a starting point for your own searches

Technology Resources for COVID-19

Directory of software and online platforms


As well as articles, it is strong on patents which can hold useful information not available elsewhere


AI used to suggest whether a citing article is supportive or contradicting

Quickly view the text in the paper where the article was cited for context 

NOTE – Chrome browser extension

Sinequa search

Watch short video

This page is accurate as of 1 May 2020 and will be updated as required.