Anne Harrison Award


The Anne Harrison Award is maintained by ALIA Health Libraries Australia

The 2020 winners of the award were Raechel Damarell, Dr Suzanne Lewis and Professor Jennifer Tieman for their project, Improving the development and reporting of search filters: An e-Delphi study of international experts in the field.





Miss Anne Harrison (1923-1992) was librarian-in-charge of the Brownless Medical Library at the University of Melbourne (1949-1983), and founder of the Central Medical Library Organization (1953-1994). She helped pioneer the introduction of Medline into Australia, and was a founder of the Australian Medical Librarians Group in the early 1970s, and later of the LAA Medical Librarians Section (now ALIA Health Libraries Australia). An ALIA Fellowship was conferred on her at the State Library of Victoria on 21st June 1989 by Averill Edwards, ALIA President.

Anne was extremely humbled by all the attention focused on her albeit delighted to have many of her former colleagues present. Afterwards, seventeen librarians shared a delicious banquet with her. They gave her a picturesque anthology of Australian gardening and a signed card as a memento of the dinner. Anne sent her thanks to Janet Riches, Secretary, Medical Libraries Section.

The Anne Harrison Award was established to commemorate her work, and to encourage others to make their own contribution to the development of health librarianship.


Award recipients

Between 1987 and 2003 the Award was presented to individuals at the biennial national health libraries conferences. For a limited time in alternate years between the conferences (2000-5) a smaller, alternate year award was also available twice to fund a continuing education activity that was widely applicable to health librarians. For previous recipients please see below.


The Award

  • The sum of $5000 was made available in 2020.
  • The objectives of the Fund are to provide financial assistance for:

Research projects that will:

  • increase the understanding of health librarianship in Australia, or
  • explore the potential for the further development of health librarianship in Australia


Projects to enrich the knowledge and skills of Australian health librarians, to help support:

  • an approved course of study or study tour, or
  • a publication in the field of Australian health librarianship, or continuing education courses, including meeting the expenses of overseas speakers


  • Applicants shall not be limited to ALIA members or to librarians, provided proposals meet the objectives of the Fund.


  • The application should deal with one specific project only
  • The preferred method of delivery is by email. If a hard copy is submitted, one original and two other copies are required.


  • Details of principal applicant (name, address, qualifications)
  • Details of other applicants (if applicable)
  • Title of project
  • Description (eg aims, methods, processes etc)
  • Outcome (eg publication, completed study etc)
  • Proposed start date and expected duration
  • Significance (the anticipated practical benefits)
  • Plan and timeframe
  • Itemized budget (including staff, travel, equipment etc)
  • Amount of funding sought (up to $5,000)
  • Financial support sought or obtained from other sources (if any)
  • Referees (x 2)
  • Curriculum Vitae of applicant(s)



  • Current Award Administrators and Health Libraries Australia executive members are ineligible to apply
  • The decision of the Administrators in making the Award is final
  • The Award will be announced at the most appropriate national health libraries event in the relevant year; and via email to the aliaHEATH e-list and through electronic and print publications
  • Successful applicant(s) are to complete an Acceptance of Award form
  • The recipient(s) must submit the completed research, project or other report as agreed, or a progress report, within 12 months of receiving the Award. Thereafter progress reports are required every 6 months until completion. The Administrators reserve the right to withhold/withdraw funds if progress is not as negotiated and/or not acceptable to them.
  • The recipient must submit the final report on the completed research (or deliverable) for publication on the HLA website, as agreed with the HLA Executive.

Assessment criteria

  • Does the application meet the aims of the Award?
  • Does the application meet the conditions of the Award?
  • Is the project likely to be relevant to most health librarians?
  • Does the project break new ground in health librarianship?
  • Is the project unlikely to attract funding from other sources?